Friday, January 30, 2009

Staying Safe During A Hurricane

  • In order to stay safe during a hurricane you should choose a room that has no doors or windows. For example a cupboard or closet.

  • It is also a good idea to bring in a mattress to hold over your head to protect you from falling debris.

  • No matter where you go to protect yourself from a hurricane always bring torches.

  • You must also be aware of the hurricane's eye because you may think it safe to come out but the hurricane will change direction and may even be stronger when the eye has passed over.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hurricane Charley

This is a video of hurricane Charley. It was named a category 4 hurricane. It started to form on August 9th 2004. To this date it has caused $18.6 billion worth of damage. It was a part of the 2004 hurricane season. The main areas that were affected were Cuba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Florida, South Carolina and North Carolina.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Global Warming and Hurricanes?

People all around the world are well aware of global warming. It is now a part of every day life with governments encouraging us to use public transport and the car less to reduce the levels of fossils fuels being burned. But does global warming affect hurricanes in any way? According to research one of the key ingredients to a hurricane is ocean heat and because of global warming which is warming oceans and causing sea levels to rise, hurricanes could become more frequent and stronger. They could become more intense depending om how much the earth's oceans heat up

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Are Hurricanes?

  • Hurricanes are actually tropical typhoons but it depends on their location and strength which determines what they are called. Other names would be tropical storms, cyclonic storms, tropical depression or a cyclone.

  • All Hurricanes are created by an area of low atmospheric pressure.

  • Within every Hurricane is an eye, which is an area of calmness.

  • The eye can vary in size from only 3 kilometers to 370 kilometers depending on the size of the Hurricane.

  • The Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale measures the strength of the hurricane.

  • Hurricanes are classified into 5 different catogories. These are measured according to the strength of the hurricane.

  • After a hurricane has taken place it leaves lots of damage in its path. The government may have to spend millions to repair the damage that the hurricane will have caused.

Monday, January 12, 2009


My new blog is all about Hurricanes. I will research hurricanes and I will give interesting information like what makes it a hurricane, how they are measured, where they can occur, how you can keep safe during a hurricane and much more!! I will learn as much as I can on this topic and I will post all of my research and findings here!

I have always found Hurricanes very interesting and I'm excited that I can learn more about them. I hope you find the infomation I give useful!