Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Are Hurricanes?

  • Hurricanes are actually tropical typhoons but it depends on their location and strength which determines what they are called. Other names would be tropical storms, cyclonic storms, tropical depression or a cyclone.

  • All Hurricanes are created by an area of low atmospheric pressure.

  • Within every Hurricane is an eye, which is an area of calmness.

  • The eye can vary in size from only 3 kilometers to 370 kilometers depending on the size of the Hurricane.

  • The Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale measures the strength of the hurricane.

  • Hurricanes are classified into 5 different catogories. These are measured according to the strength of the hurricane.

  • After a hurricane has taken place it leaves lots of damage in its path. The government may have to spend millions to repair the damage that the hurricane will have caused.

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